I found myself in the toy store the other day. I was looking for a birthday gift. While my mother and I were in the store we came across a Skip-It. This is one of the many toys that I wanted as a child. The Skip-It was one of the coolest toys. I remember when I was younger trying to sell my Mom on this specific toy. I told her that this wasn't really a toy it was more like a sport. For whatever reason I didn't get one when I was younger. When we came across it in the store I remember just how badly I wanted one when I was younger. I had the same feeling that I am sure many children had felt as a child. This made me realize that toys are not just an insignificant piece of our childhood. They are a big part of our fond memories. I also remember the infectious theme song to My Buddy and Kid Sister. I wanted one of those dolls so bad. However, I did get a Cabbage patch doll. My Grandmother risked getting trampled to grab one for me. There were many different toy crazes that I was lucky enough to have witnessed. One of my biggest obsessions were Polly Pockets and Mighty Max. I think regardless of the trend I was interested in all toys. I had Barbies, Trolls, Pogs, Strawberry Shortcake, Rainbow Brite...you name it I wanted it. I have noticed that toy companies are re-releasing newer creations of our favorite toys. In some ways, I don't like the new toys. I understand that toy companies are probably viewing this as an opportunity to profit from my generation having children. However, if I had children I belief that I would want them to have the same, exact toys that I had. Perhaps, they would have the same experience. Similarly, I would want my children to see the original cartoons that I watched not some updated digitally enhanced versions. An example of this is the new TMNT movies. I mean can you really attempt to improve the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The original Polly Pocket The new Polly Pocket
Over the Easter weekend, like many people I got together with my family. We had an egg hunt and decorated cookies. We ate a lot of different kinds of food including ham. The day was great, what made it even more special was that my cousins brought over their Xbox 360. I really didn't care at first. As you all know I am more of a Wii player. However, I couldn't help but hear the rock songs blaring from the living room. They were playing Guitar Hero. I had seen the game in the past but I was never really interested. I decided to give it a try and I was totally hooked. The person that created this game should be a millionaire, if they aren't already. I enjoyed everything from the song choices to the look of the on-screen characters. At first, I felt that the controls were very difficult to master. However, after playing for just a few moments I was getting through more advanced songs. The game works with a special guitar shaped controller. There are colored buttons on the top that you need to press and a switch that mimmics strumming. I just hope that this game, or another one similar to it, will be available for the Wii. Guitar Hero and Dance Dance Revolution are the leaders in the trend of more interactive games. The Wii is a system that is based upon this concept. Guitar Hero is a game that everyone can have fun with. I really want my Dad to play it. He has always wanted to play the guitar but he doesn't possess that natural ability. I also found this funny interview with Jack Black playing Guitar Hero.